With so much to do, and so little time and funding to do it with, it can sometimes feel like we’re drowning in information, yet thirsty for knowledge.
How do we focus on the right thing?
How do we cut through the noise, and interpret guidance and legislation effectively?
How do we do all this, without impacting our own mental health?
Where we even start?
We start here…
We start with achievable yet powerful actions. Tackling our individual spheres of influence.
We focus on the small but mighty steps we can take, instead of the seemingly insurmountable hill we must climb.
We learn to put research and policy into on-the-ground practice.
We celebrate each other and the genuine difference we make to victims and survivors each and every day. The lives we change, and those we save.
We arm ourselves with the skills, tools and confidence to challenge other professionals when we need to.
And just as importantly, we preserve our own wellbeing while we do it. We create resilience from, and for, our community.
Yes, there is much to do. But we can start here.
Introducing the online SafeLives DA Frontline Excellence Conference (England & Wales).